Saturday, March 21, 2009


Click on the image to enlarge
This mat was purchased in Launceston in an antique shop mid March 209 as an "apple seed mat". Interestingly, in the 1970s there was an importer in Launceston who imported these mats and necklaces. They came in a relatively wide variety of patterns. The importers also understand that there were other importers also selling them as "ipil seed" products into Tasmania.

The importer is still in business but given that company records only go back 10 years it is not possible for them to provide any further information regarding the source of their supplies.

The seeds in this mat have been scientifically identified as ipil-ipil seeds – actually Leucaena leucocephala. However it is understood that these mats and necklaces were regularly retailed as "apple seed" mats and necklaces and were regularly purchased as Tasmanian souvenirs in the 1970s. They are quite rare now but it seems that they were common in Tasmania in the 1970s.

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